Alexa Barton, M.S.

RESEARCH FOCI: Immigrant Mental Health, Stigma & Discrimination, Latin American Diaspora, Health Policy

Alexa entered the Developmental Psychology Doctoral program in the Fall of 2017, after earning her B.A. in Spanish and B.S. in Neuroscience from Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. Alexa is currently a teaching assistant for the Department of Psychology's Human Growth and Development course, and is supervising undergraduate research assistants in the HDCI Research Lab.

Alexa's research examines immigrant adolescent mental and sexual health outcomes. She is also interested in individual and contextual level factors that impact emerging adults’ perceptions of different immigrant groups. For more information about her research, please email Alexa directly.

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Alexa Barton's Publications

Barton, A., Novoa, O., Cano, M., & Sanchez, M. (Under Review). Impact of Pre-migration Assets and Pre-migration Trauma on Acculturative Stress Among Recent Latinx Immigrant Young Adults.

Barton, A., McLaney, S., & Stephens, D.P (2020). Targeted Interventions for Violence Among Latinx Youth: A Systematic Review. Aggession & Violenct Behavior, 53. doi 10.1016/j.avb.2020.101434

Barton, A., Helpingstine, C., & Boyd, B. (2018). The Need for Men's Awareness of IPV via Information Technologies. American Journal of Public Health, 108(7), e16

Helpingstine, C., Boyd, B., & Barton, A., (2018) Further considerations for research on human trafficking. American Journal of Public Health, 108(2), e8.

Lee, T. K., Schwartz, S. J., Meca, A., Cobb, C., Barton, A., & Unger., J. B. (Under Review) Linking Cultural Stress with Depressive Symptoms among Hispanic College Students:  The Mediating Role of Daily Acculturative Synchrony.

Alexa Barton's Teaching & Mentorship

Co- Mentor, Department of Psychology Undergraduate Honors Thesis. Co- Mentor
Hispanic College Women’s Perceptions of their Ability to Resist Sexual Coercion.
Gabriela Quesada (Psychology Major & Religious Studies Minor- 2018)

Teaching Assistant, DEP 3000: Human Growth and Development
FIU Department of Psychology

Teaching Assistant, SOP 3742: Psychology of Women
FIU Department of Psychology

Teaching Assistant, PSY 2012: Introduction to Psychology
FIU Department of Psychology

Teaching Assistant, PSY 3004: Introduction to Social Psychology
FIU Department of Psychology

Teaching Assistant, PSY 3213: Research Methods
FIU Department of Psychology

Teaching Assistant, PSY 3215: Research Methods II
FIU Department of Psychology

Alexa Barton's Professional Service

Member of the Social Issues & Social Change Research Working Group
FIU Department of Psychology (2017- Present)

Research Presentations

Barton, A., & Stephens, D. P.(2020, June). Predictors of Sexual Risk Taking Among Recently Immigrated Hispanic Adolescents. Poster presention for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference. Denver, CO. [Cancelled due to Covid-19].

Barton, A., Stephens, D. P., & Alou, A. (2019, October). Hispanic College Students’ Preferred Sexual Coercion Intervention Approaches. Paper presented at the Society for the Study of Emerging Adulthood Conference. Toronto, Canada.

Stephens, D. P., Barton, A., & Bravo, E. (2019, June). Contexts’ influence on Hispanic College Women’s Perceptions of Sexual Coercion. Poster presented at the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Conference. San Diego, CA

Barton, A. D., Rodriguez, A, Stephens, D. P. Ibanez, G. (2018, June). Gender Based Violence, Gender Beliefs, & Bystander Attitudes in India. Presentation for the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI) Annual Research Conference, Pittsburg, PA.

Barton, A. D., Williams, D. P., Feeling, N. R., Spangler, D. P., Koenig, & J, Thayer, J. F. (2017, March). High Trait Perseverative Cognition is Associated with Decreased Heart Rate Variability during a Negative Emotion Index in Women. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio.

Barton, A. D., Williams, D. P., Feeling, N. R., Spangler, D. P., Koenig, J, & Thayer, J. F. (2017, March). High Trait Perseverative Cognition is Associated with Decreased Heart Rate Variability during a Negative Emotion Index in Women. Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Seville, Spain.

Barton, A. D., Wiley, C. R., Williams, D. P., Feeling, N. R., Spangler, D. P., Koenig, J., & Thayer, J. F. (2017, March). A Preliminary Study on the Association Between Vagally Mediated Heart Rate Variability and Self-Reported Drug Abuse. Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Seville, Spain.

Wiley, C. R., Barton, A. D., Williams, D. P., Koenig, J., Spangler, D. P., & Thayer, J. F. (2017, March). An Extension on the Association Between Cardiac Autonomic Balance and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation: A Focus on Gender Differences. Annual Meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, Seville, Spain.

Barton, A. D., Williams, D. P. Feeling, N. R., Spangler, D. P., Koenig, J., & Thayer, J. F. (2017, March). High Trait Perseverative Cognition is Associated with Decreased Heart Rate Variability during a Negative Emotion Index in Women. Midwest Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium, The Ohio State University, Columbus Ohio.

Alexa's Research Projects

To view research projects that Alexa has taken a leadership role in developing and/ or implementing, please visit our Current Research and Completed Research study pages.

Current Research

This quantitative study explores attitudes toward differing modes of immigration.


This secondary analysis study identifies community level factors increasing Indian women IPV victimization risk.